Contextual advertising

Show your ads only to those who are interested in buying your product and spend your advertising budget, which will multiply in profit.

New clients appear on the first day of starting the advertising campaign

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You show ads only to interested users

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Increased ROI (Return on Advertising Investment)

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Effect of implementation is felt directly in sales growth

Yandex Direct

Yandex Direct has various types of advertising campaigns: display campaign, text and image ads, mobile app ads, smart banners, dynamic ads, content promotion, etc.

The Yandex Advertising Network has

41,000 different advertising platforms

websites, mobile applications, digital outdoor advertising, Smart TV applications

The Yandex Metrica tool makes it possible to collect information about site visitors.

The Yandex. Direct audience in Russia is

885 million

This allows you to attract a large number of targeted visitors and get high-quality transitions when launching campaigns.

The data obtained will help to understand the interests of users and create effective advertisements.

Google AdWords

Depending on the goals of the campaign, Google Ads offers various types of ads: text, graphic, a commercial, for advertising an application, a dynamic search ad, a video ad, an ad with only a phone number.

The Google display network includes

> 91% of all
Internet users

Therefore, it is great for launching advertising abroad. It is worth noting, that the CMS includes one of the most popular platforms for video advertising – YouTube.

The Google Analytics tool allows you to analyze the behavior of users on the site. This will help you better set up your advertising campaign.

Therefore, it is great for launching advertising abroad. It is worth noting that the CMS includes one of the most popular platforms for video advertising – YouTube.

In addition, Google Ads makes it possible to launch ads in the Play Market and within applications, as well as set up automatic universal campaigns.

How will we increase your sales?


Prepare a strategy and media plan

We will calculate required number of impressions and estimated cost of 1 click, distribute the budget and choose the KPI.


Set up an advertising campaign

We will compose portraits of the target audience and determine the most relevant keywords for it.


Test run

We will develop a content plan for publications that will be relevant and useful for your target audience, as well as conform to the promotion strategy.


Prepare several advertising campaigns

After start we will remove unnecessary queries and gradually increase traffic to achieve our goals.



We will determine which campaign are the most effective, reduce the cost of click and optimize the advertising budget.


Our principles



We analyze business processes to achieve the desired results



We will optimize the advertising campaign in real time.



You will have access to advertising cabinet and you will be able to track analytics and efficiency.


Achievements of goals

Focusing on the KPIs, we implement different strategies to achieve maximum efficiency.

Who needs contextual advertising?


Young sites that do not have good visibility in search engines


Companies that want to attract new customers


Sites that want to increase traffic


Companies that want to launch ads for existing or new products and services

Want to work with us?
